About Us

We started in 2010 doing small odd jobs in Knoxville, TN and running a small operation under contracts with multiple companies. My wife and I decided that we wanted to grow as a company and get involved in many different styles and types of business. What separated us from others, we didn't want to just make money. We wanted to bring an art back that we felt had been lost. We wanted to see Customer Service and Honesty be the forefront of the business. We believe a smile goes a long way, and listening to what people need, and want should be our focus. Because of this in February of 2024 we started our first real business as JAW Investments. Starting with a business we hear so many complain about, credit card processing. We heard people complain about the processing fee's and complications with reports that don't work for their type of business. We decided to research and work on finding those solutions and I am proud to say we found a way to help JAW Investments grow, while helping smaller businesses not just survive, but thrive.

Cash Discounts

How many Pyament Procesing and tell you on some of our products we offer cash disocunts?


Even if you are not On-Live we still have traditional card processors.


We have the mobile option using Clover and other options. 

With being a new company we do have jobs as well. 

Contact James for Residential Pest Control services. 


Contact Jenesis for Hair Design


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